Clutter, which comes in the form of physical mess but digital clutter and a chaotic schedule too invites stress, preventing us from focusing on what’s important.

So I have created 3 courses which are designed to bring more order and peace into your life so you can focus on your Art making.

Artists work in all manner of ways, carving out their own rituals and practices. I have found that getting the most enjoyment and productivity from my time in the studio comes from creating order and calm so by streamlining and simplifying the daily admin of modern life.

We find ourselves spending increasingly more time on our phones and computers and as Artists we have have to navigate a plethora of admin. It is easy for our digital life to become disorganised and overwhelming which is very draining on our time and energy.

As Artists we not only have to create Art we also have to manage a home and family life, sometimes another job and all the admin that comes with running your own business. If these things are not managed they can get in the way and prevent you from making your best work. .


The impact your course has had on me is huge!
When you feel overwhelmed and frustrated, it’s such a relief to have somebody like you.